토요일, 6월 23, 2007

cute animals on the streets of Fukuoka

While I was shopping in Fukuoka in April, I was lucky enough to run into this man.
He had a matching colored longhaired cat & dog following him around while he pushed a stroller whose passenger was a spoiled longhair cat. He also had a relaxed fuzzy cat hanging out on his shoulder.

I probably gave him the creeps because i was so excited, but he consented to some quick photos anyhow. You go out into the world with animals like these, you are asking for attention from weirdos.


This cat is wearing a tiara!
The day before I saw these great cats, I was able to pet an adorable tiny horse on my way to the manga store.

This little horse was on the sidewalk to promote a riding group.

수요일, 6월 13, 2007

The bunnies of Gwangju

수요일, 6월 06, 2007


May 18 is the anniversary of the Gwangju Uprising, and there was a lot of activity here in Gwangju to commemorate this event. Dramatic re-creations and other performances were staged, various social causes were being advocated at booths with related actvities, and lots of crafts & displays filled the streets in the area now called Democracy Square. Here are some of our snapshots of the day's events.